Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Veteran's Day

Yesterday was Veteran’s Day. Veteran’s Day is very special in our home, mainly because Chris is Veteran, but also because if it weren’t for our veterans, we would not be free in our country today.

Yesterday was one of the most special days for me. Chris marched in the Birmingham Veteran’s Day parade. It is one of the largest Veteran’s Day celebrations in the nation and we were a part of it. It was the first parade I have ever got to see him in.

When we arrived I saw all the military uniforms and immediately my heart felt at home. I don’t know what it is but when I see those uniforms, I know it is where I am supposed to be. When we found a spot to watch the parade, we waited for about half an hour before it began. I thought I was going to go nuts because I couldn’t wait for it to start. I was so excited. I love the military and I love to watch everything they do.

The parade started and his unit was one of the first to march by. I was so proud as he walked by. Part of me wanted to scream as loud as I could, “That’s my man!” Instead I was screaming for the kids to look at their Daddy marching. I noticed all the people watching and cheering as they all passed by. I swelled with pride because my husband was one of them.

Of course my joy was rudely interrupted when my digital camera stopped working. It stopped before I got a single picture of him. When I finally got it working again, I hurried down the street trying to catch up with his unit so I could get a picture. I squeezed my way through hundreds of people. There wasn’t nobody gonna stop me from getting my picture of my soldier. Finally I caught up and got a few pictures before they began to march away.

After his unit was finished with their part in the parade, he came over to where we were and watched the remainder of the parade with us. I was so proud to display my man in his uniform.
Ahhh, I am married to a soldier and I love it. Maybe I was meant to be an Army wife from the beginning. I guess all those years of fighting it did me no good. When a helicopter or airplane flies over the house, I am proud to say I run as fast as I can outside to see what kind it is and how low it is flying. So now, I am not going to hide it anymore. I am an Army wife and I am proud of it.

To all veterans and current members of the military, Happy Veteran’s Day.

We are holding a special military service at New Life Worship Center in Quinton, Alabama on November 16 at 10:45. All past and present military and all military families are welcome. We will be hosting a dinner after service in honor of our service members.

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