Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not Much to Say

It has been a while since I last wrote. Nothing too major has happened.

Chris should be getting a promotion to 1st Lieutenant soon. He is so excited to get rid of the 2nd lieutenant rank, also known as the butter bar. I am so proud of him no matter what his rank is. I was impressed with the butter bar. I can hardly believe I am married to an army officer. I always did go for the bad boys in school, little did I know I would marry a military man.

I am almost 38 weeks pregnant. I am huge and can hardly wait for the arrival of our third blessing, our sweet little boy, Owen Alexander. His due date is October 28 and I was really expecting him to be here a lot sooner than that. Again, God is teaching me patience. I am not a patient person in the least bit.

Well, there isn’t too much more to say. Maybe the next time I write I will have pictures of our precious baby boy.

God Bless!

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